Now including SAP 10 for lodgement of EPCs across England, Wales and Scotland.

BRE Accredited SAP software

Energy Design Tools’ software features BRE-approved SAP Calculators for SAP 10, SAP 2012 v9.92, SAP 2009 v9.90, and SAP 2005 v9.81, enabling energy efficiency assessments of new dwellings. It supports compliance with building regulations (Part L for England and Wales, Section 6 for Scotland, Part F for Northern Ireland) and facilitates the creation and lodgement of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for new UK dwellings.

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Cloud-based instant access

Our browser-based calculation tools are instantly accessible through standard web browsers, eliminating the need for software downloads or installations. This allows you to access your projects from any internet-connected device, and ensures compatibility with both Mac and Windows operating systems.

Your projects and accounts remain available on our platform unless you request removal, ensuring no accidental data loss or backup concerns. Our system is robustly supported by Azure cloud servers.

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Lodge Energy Performance Certificates

We integrate with the Quidos accreditation scheme, enabling you to lodge Energy Performance Certificates across the UK through our BRE-approved software. For more information on accreditation, please contact us at

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